Playing in the Pocket with Nate Smith
Playing in the Pocket with Nate Smith
Nate Smith, drummer for Jazz greats like Betty Carter and Dave Holland and the current drummer of the R&B/Jazz singer José James, is giving a lecture about his way...
Nate Smith, drummer for Jazz greats like Betty Carter and Dave Holland and the current drummer of the R&B/Jazz singer José James, is giving a lecture about his way...
In this course, Claus Hessler & Anika Nilles teach ‘The Rudiments Codex’, which is an alternative list of rudimental patterns from the European rudimental drumming traditions of France, Switzerland and Germany. Claus & Anika explain a...
In this course we feature one of the most respected drummers and drumming educators of the planet, the amazing Stanton Moore from New Orleans. In five segments Stanton explains and demonstrates the following topics:
In diesem Kurs stellt euch der junge Österreichische Ausnahme-Schlagzeuger Mario Meruna ein paar coole Konzepte vor, mit denen Ihr Rudiments am Drum Set anwenden könnt. Es geht um den Paradiddle, Flamtap, Flamacue und den Double...
Graham Hawthorne is one of the most highly regarded musicians in New York City. He has worked on hundreds of records, movie soundtracks and jingles, and appeared live and on TV with a who's-who of...
In diesem Kurs zeigt euch der Schlagzeug-Großmeister René Creemers drei Übungen, mit denen Ihr eure rhythmischen Fähigkeiten am Schlagzeug stark erweitern könnt: 1) Pyramiden Übungen auf dem Drumset 2) Linear Drumming mit Paradiddle Umkehrungen 3)...
Im Kurs Akzente und Rudiments geht es um grundlegende Akzentverschiebungen und um die in meinen Augen wichtigsten Rudiments. Ich beschränke mich in dem Kurs bewusst auf einige wenige Rudiments, von denen ich der Meinung bin,...
Our dear buddy Gabor Dörnyei visited our Berlin studio and explained some of his exercises and concepts. His course is aimed at intermediate students, who want to spice up their playing with some really interesting...