International Online Drummer Meeting Salzgitter/Germany 2020 in Cooperation with Drumtrainer

Great program with many international drum stars, streaming live from two continents: Thomas Lang/LA, Stanton Moore/NOLA, Aaron Comess/NY, Randy Black, Dirk Erchinger/Berlin and many more! Book your Ticket now!

Anyone can learn to drum!

Whether you’re a beginner, hobby drummer or aspiring drum pro, we’ll give you the tools you need to play your music.

Online drum courses for beginners

  • Basic courses for children, teenagers and adults
  • Stress-free learning, independent of time and place
  • Combination of online and 1-to-1 lessons possible
Course tips for beginners

Courses for advanced learners

  • Over 40 international drum trainers
  • Over 80 courses with several 100 videos
  • Combination of online and 1-to-1 lessons possible
course tips for advanced students

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Whether you’re playing in your own band, in a metal, punk, jazz or cover band, whether you want to be an amateur or professional drummer – we’ll give you the tools you need to play the music you love. Train with legendary drummers like: Thomas Lang, Keith Carlock, Mark Guiliana, Stanton Moore, Felix Lehrmann „JR“ Robinson, Nate Smith, Larnell Lewis, Ralf Gustke, JP Bouvet and several others.

Check out our courses